Bike Sales Analysis


To analysze customer demographics and attributes, along with their bike purchase behavior.

Dataset Summary

The dataset comprises approximately 1000 survey records, containing details about customer demographics and their bike purchase status. Moreover, it includes information such as home ownership, car count, commute distance to the office, and number of children.


The process included analyzing the data in Excel. Multiple pivots (pivot charts) were created using which a dashboard was built. further to this, to analyze data at various cuts, multiple slicers were put in place.

Key Insights

  • More percentage of males prefer to buy bike than females. ( 56% to 52% ).
  • Avg income of Males purchasing bikes is higher ,~8% than the Females who buy them. Also, those who buy vs those who don't, there's a clear income gap visible in both genders.
  • Middle age users tend to buy more bikes than adolescent and old age users. However this percentage is higher in Females than Males.
  • In the Pacific region, shorter commute implies more purchase of bikes but not in America and Europe region.


Age vs Purchase

Education Level vs Purchase

Excel Dashboard